spring break!

Mar 18, 2008 20:03

This week is spring break.  I know loads of classmates are leaving NYC for places like Miami.  I on the other hand am staying home and catching up on fandoms.  And I, dork that I am, like it that way! :o)

If you're on my flist - know that I have read some of your stories & posts.  I just ended up overloading myself on the goodies that I can't form words well enough for you.  I take too much time thinking what I'd like to tell you all.  I'll try and do that before the end of the week - it wouldn't be fair otherwise.  All I can say now is you guys rock hard. :D

I'm going to be putting up my Vday smut fics and a bday fic I wrote.  I also have some fics that need writing!  @_@  Forgive me in having all these fics pop out of nowhere.  Don't usually have anything else exciting to post about :P

What else?  Ah, I'm frustrated with a qualitative paper I have to have done before the end of semester.  I have to write a qualitative paper in whatever I want as long as it's related to my field of Communication Arts - film, tv, radio, graphics, etc.

At first I was thinking of writing on how graphic novels/manga are an often ignored part of comm arts.  No good.  Then how the "journey of the hero" stories compare between east and west.  no.  Now the prof keeps complaining of a lack in women writers.  What did I think?  SHOJO!

So, I how can I pitch this?  Something about the mangaka writing stories on girls like Sailor Moon and can do yaoi.  [I think women write better stories then men, etc] Any thoughts?  [Need to fill up 20 pages, single spaced with info on thing like methodology, etc

What stresses me the most is the prof reminding us we are grad students and should write like them.

spring break

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