Making up for lost time.

Sep 21, 2012 18:04

Welp, Operation Post More Often kind of hit a snag, although given the material in my last post, it's probably not incredibly surprising. Work got busy and stressful, I got tired, and all the things I wanted to write about didn't seem nearly as urgent as they had been.

Since my last entry, I've moved offices at work, gotten the next stage of a big project done, attended a Florence and the Machine concert, enjoyed the weather, visited with friends whom I hadn't seen in a while, found out that my right eye isn't just fine but better than fine, probably not gotten enough sleep, had interesting dreams, envied the Orioles their return trip to Seattle, contemplated autumn and travel, and likely many other things. So there's everything I probably would have written about in the past week and two days compressed into one long and rather ungainly sentence. ;)


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