Feb 03, 2010 21:12
So a week ago I was all, "Oh hai, internets, I can not has gall bladder but doin' ok," and then I went quiet, at least on LJ. I am still doing just fine and healing up nicely. Unfortunately I may have lost some of my capactity to digest milk products. :/ I can still do small amounts of yogurt just fine, but my favorite sort of tall latte made me feel a bit off (and this was with Lactaid). I'd been backing away from the milk products before the surgery since those had the potential to aggravate the gallstones, but I'd still been able to handle them.
I'm more stressed about the potential two feet of snow that they say is going to fall this weekend. ^^;;;; This is on top of the five inches that fell overnight and the five inches that fell last weekend, although some of it has melted off by now. They're saying it's going to be like the blizzard back in December. THIS IS NOT GOOD. Predictions were that this was going to be a rough winter, and dammit, they were right.
I will slap anyone who goes "lolglobalwarming," though. It's long-term trends that one needs to look at, not one really bad, anomalous season. At least I hope it's anomalous.