Feb 20, 2009 10:02
Lately I've been feeling the desire to do some RP. Any of you #besm-folks (or other RP'ers) contemplating a one-shot or really short series? That's about as much of a commitment as I can make. I'd be fine with either making a totally new character or adapting one of my older ones, depending on system/setting/etc.
Maybe I've been hit with a wave of nostalgia, as I find myself revisiting some old story ideas. Like, high school old. I'm sure if I went back and looked at what I actually wrote then, there'd be a lot that would make me cringe, but I think there's some good stuff at the core. Nothing may actually come of this, but it's fun to play around with characters and ideas. My poor, naive, generic console-RPG-like protagonist may actually get added motivation and some depth to his personality, for example. ^_~