I stole this from sean...i wish i was a robot cuz then id be good at math...
OH WAIT I AM...well not great but the best i've ever been at it in my whole life...i got my first exam back tonight and got a 73%...while this grade would've brought me to tears had it been any other class...i've never got a B in math!
i came home from math tonight to find cop cars in my driveway and people crying in my carport...WHAT THE HELL!?! I flew outta my car and ran to the nearest officer and flipped out...apparently it had nothing to do with anyone in my house...they just chose my house to park in so they could scare the shit outta me when i got home. I was really tired and looking forward to an early nite but i have too much adreniline now...oh well guess i could study math.