Feb 14, 2008 17:55
What a lovely way to spend Valentine's Day - throwing up on the sofa...into a saucepan...with the smell of fresh paint comng in from the kitchen now and again. :(
I think it may have been because my ears have been playing up again. Still, feeling a little better now. Might eat.
Went on a mission yesterday, as I saw an advert for the limited edition champagne marmite while reading the paper on the bus in the morning. Couldn't find any at lunchtime, but Selfridges have a stack of the stuff. :) I almost bought a card as it was the first time I could get one with fiance written on it (thank goodness my mom was there to explain the different spellings - I'm not very familiar with these things). It was just insane in the card shops last night; at least 50 people in the queues in each shop (and I've seen how long a line of 30 kids looks, so I know I'm not exaggerating). So we've given each other imaginary cards instead; much greener and cheaper. ;)
Went to see Paul Potts/Natasha Marsh with my Mom last night (my brother bought tickets for him and his girlfriend ages ago, but they've since split). She missed out is all I can say, twas a really good night.
Speaking of my brother I was dead proud of him the other day. He's not been working for this company all that long but he got a phone call from head office the other day congratulating him on being one of the top earners in the country and there's a certificate and bottle of wine in the post. Go Matty! :)
Gawd, Pete is making some very worrying noises in the hall with [I presume] the sander. I was about to say that the kitchen is finished and it looks quite nice, but I have a feeling I would be counting my chickens. :/