Mar 03, 2008 13:58
Had a pretty good weekend this week. On Friday after class, I made my way over to the shop where mom works at. She had my car fixed so I was most grateful for that. I had a gas leak and also had to get my oil changed. Got both taken care of in one swoop. When I had brought it in the day before, the gas leak was minimal but by the time they were done playing with it, gas was pouring out. Needless to say, it was fixed by the next day. Ughh I hate car problems.
Afterwards I quickly made my way over to Jeans house. Brent, her, tim and myself met there to watch the Sabres game. Jeans mom had made brownies for us plus there was pizza around when I got there. Mmmmmm. After the game she popped Transformers in the DVD player and we watched that. Just my luck, I fell asleep the last 10 minutes of the movie haha.
The following Saturday I started to clean up the apartment and when Brent got home he helped me clean up the rest of the things I hadn't gotten to. We had a Rock Band Party planned for the day starting at 5. Since our drier decided to kick the bucket I had to leave for about an hour to the nearest laundromat to dry some clothes. It sucks not having a drier let me tell you. Oh the simple things in life we take for granted.
Anyway, I got home and Chris had arrived. Shortly after he and brent left to grab some stuff at wegmans, consumers and to pick up pizza. Brandon and Lindsay came over and we chilled for a few before brent and Chris got back. So we plugged in Rock Band and played a couple songs.
The rest of the night more people showed up and we had a great time. I drank a little more than I wanted to so I was buzzing pretty good but not too bad. Jean soon came over and brought some meatballs that her mom made for us to heat up. Mmmmm. Haha why does food have to be so good. We had all kinds of chips, snacks and food. Guess thats pretty common for our parties.
I think I hit the hay around 5 that morning. Yes - we were up playing that long. Good times though. I love doing simple things like that with my friends. Makes you appreciate having friends around.
Sunday, Brent and I just hung out and did nothing but watched TV. I had to recover anyway. For some reason I couldn't sleep that well even after not getting to bed till 5. I woke up a bunch of times with racing thoughts. Ughh keeps happening to me. Maybe I just need more sleep in General....or less stress. I'm sure those red bulls didn't help that night either haha.
Now its Monday, back to the usual routine. Bah I'm sick of 2 jobs and school. Just want one job, no school and chill time.