Mar 04, 2005 09:32
finAllY friday..
been a shOrt weEK seemS like proLly cuz the competETion is ToMORROW! werE all preTty nerVouSS but alSO excited. tmoorw is alSO the craFt show whiCh suCks cuz im stIll piSSed about the FRames cuZ were not sellen thEm nemore..whatev im over it im oVer the whoLe craFT shoW cuZ ITS gay..
so chEck oUT chelsTon on searCh usernaME (MAJOR PLAYER) lol me n CAn puT him On thERE he alReady has an 8.6 im impRessed chelston u hoTTie..
so iTss a lil saD that afTer saturdAy cheerleaden's ovA 4 me.. :( :( forEver..buT whatEV cuZ im juST excited 2 graDuaTE.
woRked w/ jaSon las niTe wut a friken hoT pieCe of man
time fo BADmitton w/ cheLzz we won YesterDAy
im ouTTT....ONE loVE