Feb 28, 2005 14:19
WEll wut a funn filleD weeKend..letS recap
FRIDAY- leFt schOOl earlY, weNt into woRk piked up mY pAYCHeck..heaDed oveR to OCB 2 meet up w/ the chEerleaDers n lisa and loree. thaT was fun alWays good 2 haNg out w/ thOse girlS there gReat..fOOd was iFfy but oVerall a gOOd time. aFter that iT was tiMe to gEt on the buS n HEAd over 2 DetroiT uRban 4 the boyS basketBall gamE..whiCh was alriGht that schoo's a lil On the ghEtto side but heyyy it was koo..we met a little giRl in the b-room-sHe was a trip..name waS Kyra. gaMe went ok bUt the guyS did lose.. :( wut a diSapointment..no? ok then..afteR thAt game..heaDed ova 2 aunT kimbeRs houSe 2 spenD the nite cUz i havent bEen ther in so lOng-we hAd sTarbuCks n mcDonaldSs n watchEd SAVED BY THE BELL_zaCk moRRis u compleTE me<3
SAturDay- woke uP a lil 2 earlY n headED home..showered. then me n my mom Went 2 the BanNK 2 open a CHEcking accounT..sweet eh?? i Got a debit Card..we'll seE how loNg that 1 laSts..thEn i paCked up my Stuff bc SaraH picked me Up 4 *SOARING EAGLE CASINO* aka the HighlighT of my weeKend! so muCh frken fun..i Came w/ only abOut 40 dollArs n lEft w/ 500 SMACKAS!! omG i coulDnt beliEVe. we PLayed the sAme 5$ Slot machiNe for 3 1/2 houRs straighT n won abouT a gRand on thAt tiLL about 6 in the morning.. wow im so stOked abouT that..puT a smIle on my fACe..saRah.man i loVe that giRl..bff
suNday- not aS excitING..caMe home arounD 2 n hAd 2 work at aBout 3:30 deF not whAt i wanTEd 2 be doiN..i was soo tiRed aS am i noW..
i goTta work aGain toniTe so i cAnt go 2 the gaME..kinDa saD abouT that cuZ i thinK toniTes prollY the lAs game
:( soccAs rite arounD THE corner..AHH!! goTta get runnen soon!
weLl FOLkss thAts all 4 noW DURantes kicken .. bouT to go tanning thEn maybe 2 the MALL ahh w/ my biG buCKS!! lol
lAtesSS muAH.. lEave 1