Spring Break Summary!

Mar 23, 2008 20:34

Spring Break was alright. I didn’t get most of the stuff I was planning on doing done. Oh well, just a couple weeks left and then it will be summer. Oh boy, summer… That brings on simultaneous feelings of excitement and dread. The excitement is for obvious reasons, but that also reminds me that I need to get a job and that I am not looking forward to. First I’ve got to battle some finals and stuff, so I’ll worry about that first. For the time being however, I think I’ll try to remember what fairly exciting things I did this past week…

Let’s see… Friday, Joel picked me up after my 15 minute Art History class. That was lame, but we got our exams back. I was definitely pleased with my grade though! Got home and made a Spring Cake with Spam and the merciful Aaron Scott. It was lovely, but we ran short on frosting.

Saturday was ceili! It was on two levels because it was near St. Patty’s and you know how the Irish are about that… So our large group danced downstairs for a while and we were the great majority down there. Eventually we migrated upstairs. Ashley and I danced with a man who really enjoyed whipping us around. Somehow, I ended up dancing with him a lot and he was nice and he seemed interested in hearing about college, but he was a little intense in the dancing department…

Monday was St. Patty’s and free museum day. Schauer, Joel, Drake, Karen and I went to the museum because it was free and free is good. Decided against Body Worlds, but it’s alright because it’ll be there for a while and I’ll see it later with my mom. So yeah, then Ashley had a lovely party and I helped decorate and I also made some Irish flag cupcakes of which I was very proud, but few people were into the fact they were carrot cake… I didn’t feel well and I was shivering something fierce, so I went home early and got some sleep under several blankets and several layers of clothing. I felt much better in the morning.

I went to the dentist on Wednesday, which was nightmarish to get to because his office is in Mequon and I’ve never driven there alone! Drove past my grandma’s house and I got very sad. I was cavity-free, though! Then I went to my mom’s school and got there just in time for a fire drill. Dang, they walk like two blocks away! Very intense! My mom’s students are always interesting. There were a few who I just wanted to smack… Oh, middle-schoolers, they think they rule the world. Found a craft project to do for my mom’s play. I got the job of making a giant’s head. Woo! Nick helped me out in making the face. Spam came over and we went to dinner at the Sorvicks’ house. Yummy pizza! Then we went thrifting and I bought a cute mirror and stained glass thing.

Thursday was definitely the most exciting day because we went to Chicago. My alarm didn’t go off and we missed the first train and I felt awful, but the next wasn’t that much later. On the train, we sat on the top level and and the conductor was really nice and we played MASH and there were some interesting outcomes… We also made a fortune-teller. Good times. When we arrived, we were so touristy and amazed by the station. So very Harry Potter! The weather was beautiful. The only part of me that ever got cold was my fingers, but they always are. We walked to the Shedd Aquarium which was like, two miles away. Saw “Flamingo”, walked down Wacker… The aquarium was so packed! Very interesting fish, some of them. The sea dragons were definitely cool and Nickel the buoyancy-challenged turtle was cute. Then we headed over to Navy Pier which took about an hour to get to. Then we ate in the cheap food court, though even that wasn’t cheap. We rested a while and warmed up, then ventured to the Crystal Garden and the free stained glass museum. It was so pretty! I want stained glass in my house, for sure! After that, we began the trek back to the Millennium Park and played on the swing and looked at the Cloud Gate/Bean and sat by the huge face fountains (which aren’t on yet, obviously). Then, we headed to the Art Institute, because it was free after 5. Saw Caillebotte, Seurat, Toulouse-Lautrec, Fuseli, and other impressionists and post-impressionists and great works I’ve learned about. I decided that I can talk for way too long about crucifixion scenes thanks to Professor Hutchinson. After a bit of art, we decided to head back and realized that we had to hustle to make the 6:30 train or we’d have to wait ‘til 9:30. That was an adventure. We booked it back to Ogilvie and realized we were a little too freaked for the situation as we had like 15 minutes to spare. Plus, it’s not like it would have been awful to stay for a few extra hours, but we were tired. Relaxed on the train back while making Donald Duck noises and playing on squeaky seats. I felt bad for the fellow passengers, but it was fun and that’s what life’s about! Somehow, our directions got messed up on the drive back, because Joel and I drove North on any road we could find and eventually found the freeway for like 3 exits… It was an adventure, and a very pleasant one. I was just happy that the weather was good during the trip.

Friday got me so angry! I woke up and the snow was so pretty, but it kind of confined me to my house all day. When I should have been doing homework, I couldn’t find motivation, so I just did very little. Grr! Plus, I was going to have a girl’s day with my mom and there were two planned events that night and both were cancelled!

Saturday, my mom and I were going to go shopping, but Spam called and my mom told me to just go with her. I only bought a belt. Woo! Then I went to Farm & Fleet to pick up some supplies to work on the giant head with. Joel helped me out and I helped him look busy. Win-win. Then I went to Target and bought some cute stuff including a wonderful jacket that I didn’t need, but absolutely love. I love outerwear! Later, we hung out at Drake’s and made brownies and watched The Food Network. I left pretty early so I could take my mom to the airport at 5.

Today I pulled some stuff together to return to Madison. It was not very exciting, but the Joel let me go to his house and I met much of his family. When I arrived, there was an epic snowball fight going on. All the kids were so cute, and the adults were even more into it. Haha. Joel and I played with really old ink and pens. Joel’s Aunt Cindy is very funny. She insisted I be introduced to everyone. It was a very nice time (and a relief). Then I headed back to Madison thanks to Karen and her mother and here I sit. Yee-haw. 
So much to do before tomorrow and so little motivation to do it!

I think I’ll bring this very long entry (two pages in Word) to a close.

Peace and Love and Happy Easter! 
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