Miss Tabitha Williams would like to thank her many friends and admirers for their kind wishes, which are much appreciated.
I don't think she has much longer in this world; during the week, she seemed to be responding to her medication, in that her appetite picked up, but it's now fallen off again, and I can't get her to take much more than cat-milk now. My neighbour and I have discussed tomorrow's trip to Bristol to see The Conquering Hero, and agreed that I should go ahead, and she will look in on Tabitha and Rosie during the day. Then we'll see how things progress next week.
I'm about to run out of time to discuss Doctor Who again...
I confess the possible abortion metaphor went right over my head, and I'm relieved to know I wasn't the only woman who didn't think about it. I was much too distracted by the fact that "You called a global referendum! And then you over-ruled it! So why did you do it?" I couldn't actually see any way round this once Clara had called the referendum. Given that she presented the question as "one innocent life versus the future of all humanity" (which includes quite a lot of innocent lives as well as guilty ones) there was no way all humanity were going to vote for the single innocent life they didn't know. So, if she was determined to save the space-chicken, she'd have done better to stick with the fact that she'd got a 2-1 majority there on the moon and not tried to ask a question with an inevitable answer.
I gather this was originally intended as an Eleventh Doctor script, but presume that it was postponed because the dilemma was so similar to that in The Beast Below, including the solution - it turns out no one has to suffer or die after all.
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