A long, overdue journal post.
Life has been busy, school keeps my nose in books and the warmer weather keeps my hands in the dirt. I've been enjoying watching my garden come back to life; flowers blooming, bugs and birds scurrying about, and plants awakening beneath the soil and pushing into the sunshine once again. Seeds are in the ground, the air is scented with fresh flowers, and warmer days are returning. Springtime, you are a most welcome visitor!
Some photos of the things in my garden that make me happy:
The apple tree blooming
Snap peas growing tall from seed
The maiden hair fern (and friends)
Ridiculously, dripping sweet white flowers (I always forget the name of this flowering bush!)
The buddha in the grass
Yellow Tulips!
Rhubarb making a triumphant return
Clematis buds
Solomons seal
Strawberries blooming, lavender, and my lovely bleeding hearts
The view from my breakfast nook