In which my subconcious gets with the LJ networking

Mar 17, 2009 11:20

Had a dream in which I was going to a party with sarcasticval, izhilzha, and whitemartyr. Said party was hosted by ruthette, who was wearing a feather boa when we got to her house. Turns out the point of the party was for all of us to wear super fancy, glamorous dresses, and then sit on Ruth's couch eating delicious things and watching classic movies with Grace Kelly and/or Carey Grant in them.

Only problem was that I had arrived in jeans somehow. So Ruth very graciously offered to let me wear a spare dress of hers (the fact that Ruth had multiple red-carpet-worthy dresses hanging in her closet did not strike me as odd, nor did the fact that the dress fit, despite the fact that I think any dress of Ruth's in real life would have to undergo serious structural alterations in order to fit all of me into it).

Now properly attired, I stood around and waited impatiently for the eating part of the evening to take place. I was really hungry, but whatever we were having for dinner wasn't ready yet, so I basically stood outside Ruth's kitchen and attempted to convey, without using actual words, that I would die, right here in her house, if I didn't eat something now.

Ruth put out this appetizer-type thing that turned out to be a loaf of bread that had spinachy-artichoke dip baked into the middle (I'm pretty sure you can't bake dip into the middle of a bread loaf, and I have no idea if Ruth bakes at all, but whatever). I dug into that sucker and discovered that it was awesome and set about gobbling it up as fast as I could, while asking Ruth questions about how she made it in an attempt to distract her from noticing that I intended to consume the entire thing without sharing with anyone.

At which point I woke up and discovered that I was starving and got up to make a 3:00 AM kitchen run for cheerios.

I'm so throwing a party like that one of these days, guys. With or without spinach-dip bread. Ruth and whitemartyr, you'll have to fly out for the occasion, and bring your feather boas. I promise not to forget my dress or hog the food.

val, izh, dreams

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