(no subject)

Mar 16, 2009 21:08

ME: Well, that concludes Week Twelve of the pregnancy. We should start keeping food down easier and feeling better any day now.

MYSELF: We're never going to get better.

ME: What are you talking about? Of course we're going to get better.

MYSELF: Nope. We will always be sick. We've always been sick.

ME: Don't be dramatic.

MYSELF: This is the only existence we've ever known. Queasiness and puking and hating food. Always.

ME: You are being ridiculous, it's only be three months.

MYSELF: Aaaaalways. It will never change. Woe is us.

ME: Please be quiet, you're making the stomach worse.

MYSELF: Wooooe is us!!

ME: If I give you another lemonhead will you shut up?

MYSELF: Two more.

ME: You've had, like, fifty today.

MYSELF: They make the stomach feel better.

ME: I think there's a hole in the roof of our mouth.

MYSELF: Two more, and I'll be quiet, plus I'll drink an extra glass of water.

ME: *sigh* Fine. I really don't know how I'm going to explain this to the dentist next month.

MYSELF: Probably the same way you'll explain how I'm not brushing our back teeth anymore.

ME: What?

MYSELF: Gag reflex is on high alert, it's too hard.

ME: *facepalm*

MYSELF: Can I have those lemonheads, now?

talking to myself, health (or lack thereof), yay i'm preggers yay

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