SPN Fic!

Feb 24, 2009 13:31

Okay, I've had this written now for something like a thousand years and I keep forgetting to post it. A while ago I wanted to try writing six or seven ficlets all linked by a common theme, and this is what came of it. Izh reminded me the other day that I still had it lying around, and today is as good a day as any for new fic, so:

Title: a little ( Read more... )

supernatural, my fanfic

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feliciakw February 25 2009, 03:50:18 UTC
Nicely played, mon sweet. I was particularly heart-tugged by the differences in their dreams.

Should I point out in the last narrative paragraph that it should be sets his beer, not sits his beer?

Also, I can infer from your exchange with Val that you are once again abusing commas without cause? I implore you: STOP THE COMMA ABUSE!


kalquessa February 25 2009, 04:13:47 UTC

(Oh, thanks for the sits/sets I always miss that one, oy.)

I tried to be so good with the commas! Ever since you betad Barefoot Girl, I've been trying really hard to pay attention to where I put commas, esp in fic. This is not to say that I am having any degree of success, just...I trying! You have had a positive impact on my life!


feliciakw February 25 2009, 04:20:59 UTC

*wipes tear*

If I can save just one comma from being misplaced or misused, I have done my grammatical duty. Fight the good fight. Continue the legacy. Pass it on. (I also think my high school English teacher would be proud.)


kalquessa February 25 2009, 04:22:03 UTC
You could send him/her a letter telling about how you FIGHT THE ABUSE!


feliciakw February 25 2009, 13:58:14 UTC
(Oh, thanks for the sits/sets I always miss that one, oy.)

Should I give you the grammatical explanation?

Set is transitive. It needs an object. You set the table. Dean sets down his bear.
The author is setting the scene.

Sit is intransitive. You sit in a chair. The book sits on the shelf.

Now, English being the confusing and contradictory language that it is, there are occasions wherein sit can be used as a transitive verb. But . . . um . . . this isn't one of them.



sarcasticval February 25 2009, 06:34:36 UTC
It's a case of the blind leading the blind, really.


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