Feb 06, 2009 09:35
I had kind of a Day of Fail yesterday for a number of reasons, none of which bear mentioning. Suffice it to say that at 6:30 pm, I decided to cut my losses and go to bed. But today is better because I get a new SPN ep this afternoon and the gist of everyone's spoiler-free reactions has been "Bobby is AWESOME!" Which...yeah, I'm all about Bobby's awesomeness. So I'm looking forward to that.
Also, under my conservative grey slacks and black boots I am wearing pink argyle socks with flamingos on them. That has to count for something. And it's raining! *dances* There was a big rainbow on my way in to work, today, which sort of made up for the fact that Californian drivers are baffled by water falling from the sky. Yay, Friday!
glee (unrepentant)