It is
feliciakw's birthday! *confetti*
Dear Fee,
I wanted to write you fic for your birthday, but all the plot bunnies that want to play with me are sort of depressing, right now, and none of them seemed like quite the thing for a birthday fic. Thus, I have no fic to offer. However, I wanted to show you how much I appreciate your friendship, the long phone conversations that make me laugh and think way too hard, the cheese puns, the insightful fic feedback, the mind-blowingly patient wrangling of wayward punctuation, the sooper seekrit episodes-by-mail when I can't get caught up on a show any other way, and just generally having you around. So I used my nonexistent vast network of people-who-know-people to pull a few strings and got you a chair.
Before you give me the eyebrow, let me just assure you that it's a very special chair. What makes it so special, you ask? Well, you know what they say:
location, location, location!
Thanks for being so awesome, and good job staying alive for another year! Consider yourself on the receiving end of very big birthday hugs.
Yours in mutual fangirliness,
The Cheese Elf
Beta of Squee