Kyrie eleison through the darkness of the night.

Jan 19, 2009 08:44

1. Spent most of Saturday at izhilzha's eating delicious foods, geeking out about various things, brainstorming, and talking about writing. We completely failed to see My Bloody Valentine 3D as planned because it was all sold out everywhere. Like wow. So instead we sat and gave each other plot bunnies. It was an excellent day. Always nice to re-confirm ( Read more... )

books, izh, music

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feliciakw January 19 2009, 17:58:52 UTC
1. My experience indicates that Izhi is in fact a real person. Either that or we both have very active imaginations.

1a) I really wish you all could have seen MBV. In the search for something resembling conversation on the topic, even if it's not actual conversation but rather reading reviews, my initial squee has been diminished, and I'm not sure I will regain the primary levels of squee when you see it. Though you and Izh might be able to restore my squee. So who knows.

3. "Kyrie" has always been one of my favorite songs, ever since it came out. You have heard it before the Compilation of Doom, yes? *hums*

4. I've finished the first half of TTW. Just read about the wedding. Sadly, Head Cold 2: The Sequel (Suffocation and Sleep Deprivation) have rendered me nigh on worthless and thus, beta notes on your fic will be . . . delayed. :(


kalquessa January 19 2009, 18:09:52 UTC
Aw, do not let the squee be diminished! I will do my utmost to see it soon and bolster the squee. Perhaps my Beta of Squee tiara will help.

I think I'd heard "Kyrie" before since it sounded very vaguely familiar, but it had definitely been a long time (Greg's taste in 80s leans more toward the hard-rockin' guitar-heavy type, so that's mostly what I know of the era's music). I just love! This song! So much!

Poor you with the sicknesses! *pets you* Don't worry about beta notes, this fic's been cooking for so long, a little while longer ain't gonna hurt it. Get better, though! Be well! *tea*


feliciakw January 19 2009, 18:22:38 UTC
We had snow flurries just a little bit ago. Perhaps the Beta of Squee watch cap would be more appropriate?

I could really use some of Dean's secret recipe chicken soup. Knock me out until I can breathe again. In the meantime, thank you for the tea. :-)


kalquessa January 19 2009, 18:30:26 UTC
Dean's secret recipe soup always cracks me up. You might try a hot toddy, as many people claim that they work wonders, but...ew. Not tasty. They sound lovely, and all their component parts are nice by themselves, but all together it's just bleh.

*pulls down Beta of Squee balaclava*


tree_and_leaf January 19 2009, 22:05:55 UTC
Heresy! Drinkable whisky + juice of half a lemon + honey to taste + hot water is the best thing for a cold ever

OK, I may be biased by being Scottish.


kalquessa January 19 2009, 22:09:02 UTC
Now see, the recipe I was given was for brandy + tea + honey + lemon and I did not enjoy the result.


tree_and_leaf January 19 2009, 22:16:00 UTC
.... tea?


Of course, tea with rum works.


kalquessa January 19 2009, 22:19:22 UTC
Yeah, and brandy rather that whiskey. It was unpleasant. I have stuck with the standby whiskey screwdriver as a cold remedy ever since.


feliciakw January 19 2009, 23:21:21 UTC
Um . . . but what if the only liquor I have in the house is Irish cream? We've got loads of wine, but the beer I had last night did nada.

Oh, I've also got kahlua, I think. *checks* Yep. Maybe a mudslide before bed would help.

Though really, the lack of rum in the house does need to be addressed.


kalquessa January 20 2009, 06:14:31 UTC

Somehow, it's all about whiskey when it comes to head colds, for me. I don't like it straight, but something about having it in a drink seems very medicinal in a comforting way.


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