1. Spent most of Saturday at
izhilzha's eating delicious foods, geeking out about various things, brainstorming, and talking about writing. We completely failed to see My Bloody Valentine 3D as planned because it was all sold out everywhere. Like wow. So instead we sat and gave each other plot bunnies. It was an excellent day. Always nice to re-confirm that Izh is, in fact, a real person and not just a voice in my head.
2. I have pearly green toe-nails!
3. I think "Kyrie" by Mr. Mister is my new favorite song. This announcement brought to you by Sam-I-Am's 80s Compilation of Doom.
4. Started reading the Dead Zone again and have finally made it past the first few chapters. I think this is my third or fourth attempt to read this book, and every time I pick it up I swiftly realize that I am not prepared to deal with Stephen King at the moment. Last time I was sick and remembered that King is not good sickbed reading. The time before that I had just finished a Connie Willis novel and just could not switch gears between Willis's style, where random details may seem unimportant but you know that in the end, everything will be somehow significant, and King's style, where rabbit trails of no consequence whatsoever may go on for several pages. But this time I think I can cope with King's rabbit trails. We'll see.