Ride on, Josephine, child, you got a runnin' machine...

Dec 08, 2008 10:32

1. My car works! I forgot to give this fact the glee it was due because it was somewhat overshadowed by OMG SURPRISE RADIO! But having a car that works is nevertheless awesome.

2. I can has an Izh and a Dan! Or rather, I could had them. Or something. Anyway, Izh and Dan came to hear my choir sing Lessons & Carols and visit the store and generally hang out being stellar company. There was YouTube and Cthulhu and Tolkien and the Skeezy IHOP of Doom (but no soup).

3. Speaking of YouTube, you wanna know what's awesome? Where the Hell is Matt? is one of the awesomer things to r0x0r my s0x0rs recently. It fills me with a glee exceeded only by the glee inherent in the Boom-de-yada Song.

4. These are my new favorite Beautiful Paper Things to make. Stupidly easy process + Impressive and attractive result that looks like it was not stupidly easy to manufacture = WIN!!

5. My mom got me a baby penguin finger puppet. *wiggles him at you all*

6. Speaking of penguins, I stole a shirt with one on it from Target on Friday. It was four bucks and I liked it so I tossed it in the basket with my other stuff while I was running errands, and when I got home and glanced at the receipt, I realized that I didn't get charged for it. I am a thief! I think I'm going to slowly work up to stealing an actual penguin.

7. I cannot find my Guinness Jaunty Hat so I had to wear the slightly-less-awesome Reddish-Pink Jaunty Hat this morning. I suspect Dan of stealing the Guinness Jaunty Hat to wear while driving his (extremely hot) car with the top down.

8. I just typed "Raddish-Pink Jaunty Hat" instead of "Reddish" in the previous item. I think I might make an official change to this hat's title. *contemplates*

9. There is no nine. (But if there was, it would probably be about how huge and scary my mail pile is this morning.)

10. Saturday was a More Bigger Dollars Day (Chocolate Cream Pie) at the store. \o/ Izh and Dan seem to be good luck even if they are filthy hat stealers.

linkage of excellence, craftiness, peachy-keen things, store, izh, glee (unrepentant)

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