Quotations from this weekend's visit with Izh and Dan

Dec 08, 2008 10:16

100% context free!

"Wow, this really is the Skeezy IHOP."
"I did warn you."
"How can you be out of soup?"
"How can you keep a restaurant this cold?"
"I think they have everyone seated up in the front like this because the other parts of the building are too cold to support human life."

"I am going to remember that so that I can use it to impress my fellow Starbucks Denizens."

"Oh no, thank you, everything's fine, I'm just listening to my tea."

"I've never had a burger with an egg on it, before!"

"Bacon brownies!"
"Oh, yum!"
"Oh, ew!"
"Let me explain something to you: bacon is awesome and chocolate is awesome."
"Yeah, but the two combined...?"
"Are Captain Planet."

"Sarah is a Magical Realist."

random interludes, izh

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