React-o-matic: SPN 4.06

Oct 24, 2008 15:43

Okay, now I know why pretty much everyone's episode reaction post today is along the lines of "The episode was...well, and then...but then I may have to come back later. But I love Jensen Ackles!!"

What made me glee:

- Dean being so edgy and nervous and seeming to know at least half the time that he's not being reasonable, but he can't help it, things are scary and they keep getting scarier, and I just want to fold him up in a warm blankie and rock him back and forth and sing to him until he feels better!

- Sam and his put-upon "Oh, good grief" face and his attempts to cater to Dean's fears with a minimum of show where possible.

- Reptile Guy! Whose name I can't remember, but who cracked me up.

- I share a name with a blond python that can smell fear and gets to slither all over Dean. Beat that!

- "Fine, then you;re a dick, too!" "Apparently I'm not." *smug expression*

- Dean's desperate little tirade. "We hunt monsters! We seek out things that want to kill us! Or eat us! Who does that?!"

- Sam's little mou when Dean says they're both crazy, as if to say, "Not like there isn't a case to be made for that..."

- Bobby. Who not only reads Japanese but can bust out whole phrases just to be a big dorky show-off. Bobby! Really, you need to stop being so awesome, it's starting to get sort of ridiculous! And I am now imagining you in full samurai ensemble! And it's actually not as difficult to picture as one might think! So really: stop.

- The little "Aww," "He's adorable," exchange may have sent me into transports of glee. Sam and Bobby agree with me that Dean must be wrapped in a blanket and sung to!

What made me go "huh":

- Dean goes for the Gideon Bible as the final stage of the sickness sets in. I'm not at all sure what to read into that.

- Pretty much everything the "Lilith" in Dean's head had to say.

What made me cringe:


- Dean's itchies are contagious. I kept being struck by a deep-seated desire to start scratching my arms.

- Yelloweyed!Sam in Dean's hallucination. Oh, Dean.

- So we're basically going to take the ghost of this poor innocent guy who liked kittens and reenact his horrible murder, inflicting the trauma of it on him for a second time, to make him go away? I mean, I get that they had little to work with and almost no time, but that still just gave me heebs.

What made me flail and say "NONONO!! I don't care where you think you're going with this, the answer is NO!!":

- Um...yeah. You guessed it. I have no idea where this is going, but I may cry. Just. No. Oh, boys, my boys, my darling boys.

In other news, I have "Eye of the Tiger" well and truly stuck in my head. I managed to get it stuck in both my sister's head and Sam-I-Am's, as well. Yay me!



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