Ow - Part 2

Oct 21, 2008 09:16

ERNIE: Mom said you slipped and fell this morning.

ME: Yup.

ERNIE: Aw. Are you okay?

ME: Yeah, I've inflicted worse upon myself.

ERNIE: Like that one time, on the front porch, with the bleeding.

ME: Yeah. Like that.

ERNIE: And you didn't ruin your shoes like that other time!

ME: That is what's important, yes.


ME: Good morning, Shiny Office, May I help you?

BILL: Hi! They were playing "Carry On, My Wayward Son" on the radio a few minutes ago, and I called, but you weren't there, so you missed it.

ME: Aw. Yeah, I was busy slipping and falling and beating up my knee.

BILL: Why'd you slip?

ME: I sort of...walked through a puddle outside, and...mumblemumble walking fast to catch the elevator mumble...

BILL: *sigh* I'm going to get you a helmet.

ME: I didn't hit my head, I'm better at falling than that.

BILL: But the possibility is there.

ME: Hmph.

BILL: Here, I'll sing "Wayward Son" for you and make it better: Da-dun-da daaaah! Da-dun-da daaaah! Da-da-dadada!

random interludes, mr. bill, wuv, ernie, fall-down-go-boom

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