Might as well shout at them if they aren't going to talk to me...

May 19, 2008 11:00

I am still having the worst time imaginable writing my friendathon fic. The deadline? Is in two weeks. And I will be in LA stalking Neil Gaiman at Book Expo the weekend just prior to said due date. So this has pretty much got to happen this week, sometime. And yet, nothing. I write a few hundred words, decide I hate every single one of them, delete them, then whine and throw a tantrum. Jack and Teal'c just don't want to talk to me.

Meanwhile, Sam Winchester won't leave me alone, all of sudden. This may have something to do with how I broke that "no more Supernatural episodes until you finish your friendathon fic" rule into teeny-tiny pieces on Saturday.

sg_fignewton decreed that this called for an argument with my character muses.

I figure it certainly couldn't hurt...

ME: Guys? Hello?

JACK: What?

ME: I need your help with something.

JACK: Okay, shoot.

ME: You know how normally, when I sit down to write something serious, all you do is make jokes and be silly?

TEAL'C: We are aware.

ME: Okay, here's the thing: I was completely unprepared for the fact that evidently sitting down with intention of writing humor would make you guys go all serious. And that's really not working for me, right now.

SAM: *wanders up* Hey, question for you.

ME: Not now.

SAM: Why not?

ME: You're the wrong Sam. If you see Sam Carter, I'll talk to her.

SAM: Okay, but there's this thing you should really take a look at with a spirit who haunts this one stretch of road--

ME: Not now!

JACK: You know, the kid looks happy to talk to you, why don't you bother him and leave me and Teal'c alone?

ME: Because I didn't sign up to write something about him, I signed up to write something about you.

TEAL'C: Perhaps this experience will give you pause the next time you consider committing yourself to a work of fiction when you are uncertain of your muse's cooperation.

ME: Thanks, Teal'c, that's incredibly helpful--Samuel Winchester, stop poking me this instant!

SAM: I just really think you should take a look at this thing with the road and the spirit. There's a cop that would make a good POV character, I think...

ME: LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!! Go talk to feliciakw, she wants your help on something.

JACK: *to Sam* You know, if she were this dismissive with me, I would just stop talking to her.

ME: Oh, please. If only. You and I both know I can turn you on like a faucet. It's getting you turned off that's always an issue.

JACK: Wow, and you want our help? Your diplomacy skills are even worse than mine.

TEAL'C: Indeed.

SAM: So, this thing with the cop--

ME: *weeps*

supernatural, stargate, arguments with fictional characters, writing

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