
Apr 03, 2008 13:26

Dear Supernatural fandom:

Did you guys just, like, not write fic for the first year this show was airing? Because it seems like if I want to read fic that does not spoil me for the Season 1 finale, I just have to get really cozy with John and the boys as teens or younger. Not that I mind too terribly. I'm getting to really like John POV, and I'm falling more and more in love with the boys as kids. But seriously, yo: where are you guys hiding the Season 1 fic? I'm having a hard time finding fic that pre-dates "All Hell breaks Loose," much less "Devil's Trap." Sheesh, people.

Yes, this can be interpreted as a plea for links to spoiler-free fic, if you happen to have some handy. Mostly, though, I just wanted to whine.

All my love,


supernatural, fanfic

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