Generic Supernatural Episode: Season 1 Edition

Mar 07, 2008 10:27

Because I'm having such fun with this show (despite its propensity to make me flail and hide under the covers at regular intervals), and having watched a representative sample, I give you:

Generic Supernatural Episode: Season 1 Edition

Virtually the same product at a fraction of the brand-name price! )

supernatural, parody scripts

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Comments 45

mosinging1986 March 7 2008, 19:19:31 UTC
By Jove, I think she's got it!


ayoub March 7 2008, 19:23:13 UTC
You're still on season one, right?



kalquessa March 7 2008, 19:23:48 UTC
Yeah. Just watched "Home" last night.


ayoub March 7 2008, 19:26:26 UTC
Coolness! :D

Many more to go! :D


amberdulen March 7 2008, 19:23:52 UTC
Yep...that pretty much sounds like it. :)


supplyship March 7 2008, 19:24:49 UTC
Ahahahahaha!!! OMG, this is sheer brilliance!

SAM: By the way, have some angst.
Thanks, Sam, but like Dean, I'd really like one or two episodes free of your angsty melodrama. *leans over and cranks the AC/DC even higher*


supplyship March 7 2008, 19:26:41 UTC
Also, Dean+The Impala = OTP forevah! ;D


kalquessa March 7 2008, 19:35:25 UTC
I have a love/hate relationship with cute, angsty boy characters. I am initially attracted by their soulful eyes and emotional vulnerability and I want to give them hot chocolate and pat their cute heads and make them feel better. Then after a while, I start to get a little eye-rolly when the angst keeps coming up. So I both love them and want to smack them a little. *sigh*


supplyship March 7 2008, 19:54:09 UTC
To be fair (as you'll see in later seasons) Dean has his moments of angst too. I just... like his way of dealing with it better. Or *not* dealing with it, as Dean is wont to do. Denial and shotgun full of salt pellets. :p

I need another SPN icon... all I have is this Dean one. Hmm.


feliciakw March 7 2008, 21:04:53 UTC
SAM: By the way, have some angst.

DEAN: What angst? Where?

SAM: Daddy issues!

DEAN: Defensive wisecracks!

SAM: So, about that angst...

DEAN: Still don't know what you're talking about. *cranks AC/DC*

IMPALA: *sexy engine noises*This? Is so totally spot on for S1. Hah ( ... )


kalquessa March 7 2008, 21:58:16 UTC
Yay, fic! Only, after Easter. *nods*

I found this icon via a SPN icons comm I found by searching "supernatural icons" on LJ. It actually wasn't one of a recent batch, but someone posted a recent batch and used it as their icon for the I followed it home to it's creator and snagged it. There were many, many amusing icons made to this template with the Impala and a little quip underneath. I had a hard time choosing.


kalquessa March 7 2008, 22:00:47 UTC
Oh, and I would PAY MONEY to see Dean, Don and Jack in a room together with a large amount of beer. *nod*


izhilzha March 7 2008, 22:10:17 UTC
Problem: there might not be a lot of talking between those 3.

Not until they got REALLY plastered, anyway. *g*


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