Stolen from
travels_in_time because I have nothing better to do.
Actually, that's not true, I have my Finish-a-thon fic open in another window, and that is definitely something better to do, but I'm tired of trying to break up Sam and Daniel's infodumps into manageable pieces of dialog that aren't painful to look upon. So memeage it is!
(As with Terry's answers, my answers mostly refer to the show/books/movies rather than to the fandom itself unless otherwise noted. I have a lot of fandoms, I'm just not very active in most of them.)
The one who seduced you, screwed you over, broke your heart in a million pieces, and then laughed about it.
Star Wars. Or more accurately, George Lucas. I should have known something was up when he added that wretchedly photo-shopped Jabba scene back into A New Hope, but I was still too much in love to see the obvious truth. Can you believe there was a time when I wanted Lucas to be the guy who directed the LOTR movies? I know! I was blind, I tell you! Young and stupid and blind!
The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets.
I can't decide if this meme's choice of words is funny or slightly disturbing. Anyway, my old flame who occasionally drops by for a drink and a chat is Dune. The sequels didn't really do it for me, but I read and re-read this book obsessively for a while and I still like to go back and just read whatever the book happens to fall open to occasionally.
The mysterious, dark, gothy one with whom you used to sit up talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffeehouses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was absolutely crazy.
Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials and Sally Lockhart trilogies (I seem to recall hearing at some point that the Lockart books now number more than three, but they were still a trilogy when I read Ruby in the Smoke). The first books of both trilogies were beyond awesome. They both ate my brain and made me desperately want more. Unfortunately, the second book of each trilogy convinced me that maybe Mr. Pullman had some issues he should work out before we talk about anything so serious as a relationship.
The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to do again although you're relieved (s)he doesn't actually live in town.
Sailor Moon. Don't laugh.
You're laughing, aren't you?
Yeah, you are, don't lie.
The steady.
I have two, I think (shocking, I know). LOTR and SG-1. LOTR has lasted me most of my life so far, and I still have a deep and abiding love for the books (and a good-humored affection for the movies). SG-1 is much more recent (I only got into it last December) but I think I can say with reasonable certainty that I'll be stuck on it for a good long while.
The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with.
Supernatural. Gotta get me some of that, just haven't had the opportunity, yet.
The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't.
Buffy. The humor cracks me up, but...Buffy. She drives me bananas and I kind of want her to die a little. No, like the kind where you stay dead.
The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it's never really gone anywhere.
The Dark is Rising series. Gotta give it another try. Sometime. Maybe. I don't know, I just...don't...I don't know. *shrug* Sorry, guys.
The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? How the heck did he land all these cool babes?"
I'm going to steal Terry's answer: SGA. It's a fine show, has its moments, and I love Rodney McKay. The second season was better than the first, and I hear the third season continues the trend of improvement. But it's nowhere near as good as SG-1 in my estimation, and yet it seems to have way more rabid fans and it has a ton of really awesome fic authors who don't seem to be very interested in SG-1 at all. How does that work? Don't tell me all these people just like it better because it has a bigger effects budget. That can't be all there is to it.
The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for her except you just know it's going to end badly.
George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series. One bearded author of a huge, never-ending, character-torturing fantasy epic has already died without finishing his story. Seriously, guys. How can this end in anything but tears?
The one who gave you the best summer of your life and who you measure all other potential partners against.
Steven King's Dark Tower. Uf-da.
The one that you will cheat on your steady with.
Battlestar Galactica. Because I want to not care. Only I do. And I hate it. But I love it.
The one that you’d change the locks on
Stealing Terry's response, this time word-for-word:
Harry Potter. And here I *am* referring to the fandom, rather than the canon.
Because seriously? HP fandom is the reason it took me forever to become involved in SG-1 fandom. HP was my first experience of online fandom, and I left it convinced that all online fandoms were populated by rabid, baby-eating shippers and that all fandoms took themselves and their canon Very, Very Seriously. SG-1 fandom has disabused me of this notion: it is, in fact, possible to have an online fandom that is mostly composed of laid-back nerdy people who like to laugh and poke fun at their show and then turn around and spend hours of research and miles of mental real-estate construct extremely elaborate and well-thought-out explanations to fill plot holes left by the silly writers. And then turn right around and laugh and poke fun again. It's all good.
First love
Probably LOTR. If not, Sliders. Oh, how I love John Rhys Davies and the irresistible cheese that is that show.
The guilty secret affair that you haven't quite come to terms with yet
The One You Have Casual Sex With In The Bathroom And Would Totally Date If He Wasn't So High Maintenance
Again, the wording. Sheesh. But anyway. I love House and have more than once tried to write and read fic for it. Reading it just doesn't do it for me, for reasons that I don't understand. Writing it is really, really hard and hurts my brain with research. So yeah: our relationship will never get past the odd forty minutes in front of the tv because I just can't commit.
The new love interest that is threatening to make you stray from your one true love(s)
I actually don't have one, at the moment. For a while it was Firefly, then Battlestar Galactica, and I'm pretty sure I'll adore both Babylon 5 and Doctor Who once I try them. But right now nothing's really eating my brain.
And I'm adding one, because it needs to be added:
The ex that you still share a lot of friends with, so you try to be polite at parties and not make anyone uncomfortable by talking about how glad you are to be out of the relationship
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. I know a lot of you guys love it, and not to speak ill of the recently-dead,'s just Dune, Star Wars and LOTR thrown in a blender with a garnish of Arthuriana and other random mythology bits. That's not enough to justify nine (or is it ten?) gigantic books that never seem to actually resolve even one single point of conflict.