Various Items

Aug 20, 2007 09:28

1. Have returned from camping trip. Failed to be eaten by zombie bears. A full report, complete with amusing anecdotes and pictures, may be on the way.

2. Read The Killer Angels while on vacation. I may be in love with Gen. James Longstreet.

3. In related news, I'm am now obsessed with the American Civil War. This is by way of warning, because my obsessions, while usually brief in duration, tend to be intense. So if everything makes me think of the Civil War for a while, and if I become a bit tiresome on the subject, feel free to roll your eyes at me and just know that it will probably be over soon, and I'll go back to being obsessed with normal things like J.R.R. Tolkien and Stargate.

4. I still lose at crocheting. I may have to just buckle down and practice a bit, because I'd really like to have some kind of hand-craft to keep my fingers busy when I'm chatting on the phone or what have you, and knitting is out because it makes me completely crazy.

5. Our cats have inherited a giant, opulent cat tree from girlwslingshot and not_a_monk. They are less than impressed with it, due to the fact that it smells like cats who are not them. We covered it in kitty crack catnip, so Snoop is tentatively curious, though still suspicious. Mo, on the other hand, loathes it with the fury and passion of a thousand white-hot suns and goes into fits of shrieking, hissing rage whenever she is carried too close to it. I'm sure she'll come around, eventually, if only because Snoop will probably decide that he likes it, making it necessary for her to go and kick him off it at regular intervals so that she can sit and gloat over her ability to steal his toys.

6. Monday is not my friend.

7. We were watching the third Hornblower movie the other night and I was going insane because I knew I had seen Archie in something else just recently but I could not, for the life of me, figure out where I had seen him, and I got on IMDB the minute the movie was over and duh, Archie is played by Jamie Bamber, better known as Lee "Daddy Issues" Adama. Only one of the main stars of Battlestar Galactica, the show I've been watching every weekend for months. My brain, she doesn't always work so good. I blame my failure to recognize him on the fact that he speaks with an American accept in BSG, rather than the British accent he uses in Hornblower.

8. I signed up for the 2007 fanfic Finish-a-thon, and everyone else should sign up, too, so that I have people with whom to commiserate when the deadline is looming and I'm fighting a losing battle to make the characters stop talking and actually do something and beating upon my breast because I can't understand some medical paper on neurotransmitters or something.

9. If I missed anything important, amusing or otherwise notable, leave me a comment. I am so not reading an entire week's worth of backlog while Monday tries to kill me.

finish-a-thon, american civil war, fanfic, books, camping

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