Okay, let me just say that I enjoy the occasional instance of mainstream "literary" fiction, so I don't want anyone out there thinking that I harbor some deep loathing for books that win lots of prizes that aren't shaped like rocket ships. I just find a lot to be annoyed with in highbrow readers who sneer at genre fiction and prophesy its demise every few years.
So it was with amusement that I read Ursula K. LeGuin's
cutting response to a Salon article that vilified Michael Chabon for trying to resurrect genre. (It was dead? And no one let me know? I would have sent flowers...) Nice little reference to The Road in there. I haven't read McCarthy's famous--and totally not genre, no really--prize-winner yet, but Bill has made me promise to do so soon so that I can discuss it with him.
And now, speaking of genre...back to Harry Potter and the unceasing flow of snicker-worthy references to wands (seriously, I'm not trying to see innuendos on every page, it's just impossible to avoid when Rowling keeps feeding me straight lines the way she does).