Fic: Rain on Your Wedding Day

May 29, 2007 09:58

I take no responsibility for how silly this is. Other people apparently get plot bunnies. I rarely get plot bunnies. What I get are dialog bunnies, which are not as useful, because they usually consist of a tiny scrap of dialog that seems incredibly funny inside my head but which is sometimes less than hilarious once it's down on the page. To use ( Read more... )

my fanfic, stargate

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Comments 35

ithildyn May 29 2007, 17:37:04 UTC
I enjoyed that!


kalquessa May 29 2007, 18:09:21 UTC
Yay! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was amused. That happens more than I would like, heh.


izhilzha May 29 2007, 18:29:25 UTC



kalquessa May 29 2007, 18:34:41 UTC
*laughs* That was pretty much exactly the reaction I was going for, so...yay! Thanks!


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kalquessa May 29 2007, 19:46:37 UTC
You never know when Teal'c is going to bust out some pop culture reference and render everyone speechless. I loved when Vala was asking about immaculate conception and he unhesitatingly names Darth Vader. Hee!


feliciakw May 29 2007, 21:01:53 UTC
Bwahahah! Whatever your excuse, thanks for sharing!

"He was privileged to be instructed by a true master," replied Teal'c, with the Jaffa equivalent of a fond grin.

Oh, how many times have I said, "Ya gotta love Jack." Master of the snark.

You might have trouble coming up with plots (I've got no trouble coming up with them; I have major trouble executing them), but your dialogue is great. You've especially got Ben Browder down well. Your Teal'c is delightful, too.

Cameron snorted and said "Now you're just mocking me."



kalquessa May 29 2007, 21:21:37 UTC
Yeah, once Cam made that remark about Daniel being a Jedi Knight of snark I had to toss in a reference to Jack, even if it was an oblique one. Credit where credit is due. *grin*

Apparently there is a type of fanfic referred to as "PWP" or "Porn Without Plot". I write BWP: Banter Without Plot. Whenever I try to write an actual story where stuff happens and things are done I inevitably end up with a couple pages worth of SG-1 sitting around talking at each other. I have to go in with a cattle prod and be "Don't you people have plot twists to uncover or something? Up! Out! It's a nice day outside, go blow stuff up or something!" They all just enjoy one another's company too much.

but your dialogue is great. You've especially got Ben Browder down well.

Thanks! Cam's voice comes very easily, in fact he's even easier for me to write than Jack, whose voice always came pretty naturally to me due to the fact that he talks exactly like half of my immediate family.


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Re: and don't forget your sunscreen and extra ammo! kalquessa May 29 2007, 21:51:27 UTC
Indeed. *cracks up*


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kalquessa May 29 2007, 22:25:35 UTC
I have so many dialog bunnies! At least the ones that specifically relate to SG-1 characters I can make into little pointless vignettes, but the ones that are attached to original characters are doomed. Doooomed! So sad.


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