Fic: Rain on Your Wedding Day

May 29, 2007 09:58

I take no responsibility for how silly this is. Other people apparently get plot bunnies. I rarely get plot bunnies. What I get are dialog bunnies, which are not as useful, because they usually consist of a tiny scrap of dialog that seems incredibly funny inside my head but which is sometimes less than hilarious once it's down on the page. To use ( Read more... )

my fanfic, stargate

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feliciakw May 29 2007, 21:01:53 UTC
Bwahahah! Whatever your excuse, thanks for sharing!

"He was privileged to be instructed by a true master," replied Teal'c, with the Jaffa equivalent of a fond grin.

Oh, how many times have I said, "Ya gotta love Jack." Master of the snark.

You might have trouble coming up with plots (I've got no trouble coming up with them; I have major trouble executing them), but your dialogue is great. You've especially got Ben Browder down well. Your Teal'c is delightful, too.

Cameron snorted and said "Now you're just mocking me."



kalquessa May 29 2007, 21:21:37 UTC
Yeah, once Cam made that remark about Daniel being a Jedi Knight of snark I had to toss in a reference to Jack, even if it was an oblique one. Credit where credit is due. *grin*

Apparently there is a type of fanfic referred to as "PWP" or "Porn Without Plot". I write BWP: Banter Without Plot. Whenever I try to write an actual story where stuff happens and things are done I inevitably end up with a couple pages worth of SG-1 sitting around talking at each other. I have to go in with a cattle prod and be "Don't you people have plot twists to uncover or something? Up! Out! It's a nice day outside, go blow stuff up or something!" They all just enjoy one another's company too much.

but your dialogue is great. You've especially got Ben Browder down well.

Thanks! Cam's voice comes very easily, in fact he's even easier for me to write than Jack, whose voice always came pretty naturally to me due to the fact that he talks exactly like half of my immediate family.


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Re: and don't forget your sunscreen and extra ammo! kalquessa May 29 2007, 21:51:27 UTC
Indeed. *cracks up*


feliciakw May 29 2007, 21:39:12 UTC
I write BWP: Banter Without Plot.

As a self-proclaimed banter babe, I'm totally there with you. :-)

In fact . . . are you familiar with The Sentinel? I've got a short pointless piece that was just such great fun to write the banter for that I'd be willing to post it if'n you're familiar with the characters. *g*


kalquessa May 29 2007, 21:53:32 UTC
I wish I were more than passingly familiar with the show/characters, if only so that I could read your banter! Oh, how I love banter. But no, I've never seen an ep of Sentinel, though I have a general idea of the show's premise (that's the one with the detective who has special, sort of totemic powers and a geeky side-kick, right?).


izhilzha May 29 2007, 22:00:30 UTC
LOL, I suppose you could call them "totemic" if you came at the show from the fandom/fanfic side (the panther only shows up in a grand total of 3 episodes). Super-senses is what Jim Ellison has, and yes, Blair is his very geeky sidekick.

I have all the episodes. Maybe I should make you watch one when you come visit me sometime! :-)

feliciakw, which ep should it be?


kalquessa May 29 2007, 22:15:06 UTC
Cool! And if I like it and the show's at about the same level as Stargate in terms of mature content (i.e. not much, unless you count the boobies in the pilot, which I don't) I can Netflix it and watch it with the mother-in-law and girls! Yay! I need another show that the girls are allowed to see.


izhilzha May 29 2007, 22:38:20 UTC
Mature content is, yeah, about SG-1 level. Not even as bad as "Hathor," imho. :-) Unfortunately, only the first season is out on DVD. I'm really hoping sales were good enough to ensure that the second season will come out at some point, but right now it's not looking good. *sigh*

Also, there is banter, but not quite as much snark as SG-1. Action/adventures buddy cop show with a side of sci-fi, that's what The Sentinel is.


kalquessa May 29 2007, 22:56:23 UTC
Hee. We were introducing a new person to SG-1 the other night (one of the brothers-in-law is getting married and we informed the bride to be that all Anderson girls are required to like Stargate) and while we were deciding which ep to watch, Ernie jokingly suggested Hathor. (After we stopped snorting at this suggestion we settled on Window of Opportunity because it is pretty much the best thing ever.)


feliciakw May 29 2007, 22:46:54 UTC
I'm trying to think . . . when I wanted to get someone hooked, I showed her the Pilot ep, Cypher, and . . . I can't remember the other one . . . Rogue, maybe? For the excellent sense work?

A lot of people think The Pilot and Siege work well as a 2-parter.

If it's just one ep you want to show, I'm usually one to encourage getting in on the ground floor, i.e., Pilot/Switchman.


kerravonsen May 30 2007, 00:54:05 UTC
A lot of people think The Pilot and Siege work well as a 2-parter.

I agree. It introduces the premise clearly, there's a lot of action, you get to see Jim both pissy and vulnerable and action-man, you get to see Blair both geeky and brave -- what's not to like?


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