SG-1 Parody poll: Choose wisely.

Mar 26, 2007 15:06

Now that the "Evolution" parody script is finally posted, I need a new victim to begin work on! Several eps suggest themselves to my mind, but I can't decide which one should be next. So! A poll!

Poll Which Stargate ep shall be parodied next?

stargate, parody scripts

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Comments 5

jelly_doughnut March 26 2007, 22:29:52 UTC
I went with "The Tomb" because the title reminded me of The Tomb of the Cybermen which is one of the few Second Doctor serials that is still complete.

Then I want to "Decent" because you mention "crash" and "mothership" in the same sentence and that's just cool.


kalquessa March 26 2007, 22:39:43 UTC
Heh. Yeah, anything that involves crashing a mothership of any kind has potential.


izhilzha March 26 2007, 22:31:02 UTC
So when is the "Evolution" script going up? :-)


kalquessa March 26 2007, 22:38:51 UTC
It was up this morning! I must have posted it too early or something, apparently no one saw it. *laughs*


izhilzha March 26 2007, 22:47:15 UTC
I have now found it. :-) Somehow I totally missed it when scrolling through my flist 3 times this morning. Weird!


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