SG-1 Parody Script!

Mar 26, 2007 09:19

At long last, the promised parody script of "Evolution"! This took way too long and way too much work (it was a long episode, and fairly slow getting off the ground, so I had a lot of talking scenes that somehow had to be either discarded or rendered humorous), but I'm actually quite pleased with how it came out. It's amazing the things I discover ( Read more... )

stargate, parody scripts

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Comments 12

izhilzha March 26 2007, 22:46:08 UTC
I love SG1. And I love your parody scripts! :-)

All so very true, and I'm most amused by the movie-quoting audience, by the exposition, and by Raphael and his "voices." Yep, that's about the only possible explanation.

ACK: You do that. So! We broke a few bones, I resolved some angst from my past, death and destruction loom imminent. That cover everything?

TEAL'C: It does.

JACK: So another day at the office, then.

DANIEL: Pretty much.

Indeed. I love this show so much.


kalquessa March 26 2007, 22:53:29 UTC
We were seriously beside ourselves with giggles over Burke/Mathazaar. Talking like Thermian is too much fun, so we missed a lot of the Jack angst.


scionofgrace March 26 2007, 23:46:32 UTC
Very funny!

Have you heard the cast/crew commentary for these episodes? The first half is with Peter DeLuise and Gary Jones, the second half with DeLuise and Amanda Tapping, and both are hilarious. Every time Jack's onscreen, somebody says, "Who's that guy?" and is told, "That's Richard Dean Anderson. He sometimes comes on our show..." or some variant.

And Tapping reacts to scruffy!Daniel with, "I just have to say, from a purely female perspective: ayii."


kalquessa March 26 2007, 23:55:45 UTC
Oh dude, I have to watch that!! That is too awesome.

"I just have to say, from a purely female perspective: ayii."

Seriously. My little sister laughs at me for crushing on nerds, and prefers Jack and especially Teal'c to Daniel, but sleeveless scruffy!Daniel made her sit back and say "You know...I've never really understood your thing for Daniel. Until now. Because...yikes. When did he start working out? Did I miss the episode where he got those arms?"


izhilzha March 27 2007, 20:57:28 UTC
Aw, man, I quit watching the commentaries around season 7...I should get my hands on that one and watch it. Amanda is always hysterical on commentaries.


kalquessa March 27 2007, 21:06:16 UTC
I watched it last night while I was ironing. It was, indeed, most humorous. Amanda and Peter spend large amounts of time ignoring the episode they're watching and instead talk about random things like how funny the words "banana" and "broccoli" are.

I need to come visit you sometime. I could bring the DVD with me!


kerravonsen March 27 2007, 03:25:03 UTC
We are Amused.


kalquessa March 27 2007, 21:11:54 UTC
Excellent! Thanks for reading!


aurora_novarum August 22 2007, 22:28:19 UTC
Oh loves this!

EVERYONE WHO HAS SEEN GALAXY QUEST: Weeee are Thermians from the--wait, what was that about backstory?

EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT SEEN GALAXY QUEST: That's what you get for screaming movie quotes during dialog.

Hee hee hee hee hee.

We've kidnapped you for the purpose of holding you for ransom. However, since that by itself would be kind of boring, I'm also going to subject you to questioning and torture for reasons that are, at best, extremely vague.

DANIEL: Why? For all you know, we really are just archaeologists hunting for artifacts.

RAFAEL: True, but I'm going to act as though you're actually a lot more important than you appear to be, and interrogate you even though I have no evidence to indicate you have any information worth knowing, leading all sane and rational viewers to assume that I am being advised by voices no one else can hear.And yes yes yes about the revolutionary dude (who speaks like Zorro! Hee!). My second ever fanfic was on these episodes, and part of the reason I wrote it was how that made ( ... )


kalquessa August 22 2007, 23:02:58 UTC
The revolutionary dude cracked me up. The whole time I was kind of like "Does this make sense to anyone else?" It's like the writers were so used to having villains who act out of megalomania that they forgot to worry about this guy's motivation at all. I just imagine some writer, weeks after production on the episode has wrapped, just standing in the shower one day and suddenly going "Oh, crap! Why did he torture Daniel?"


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