SG-1 Season 7: snark and random commentary

Feb 15, 2007 10:04

Having just finished Season 8, I think it's about time I did a rundown on Season 7. Accordingly, I give you a cut tag behind which lurks random reactions and sarcasm.

There's no easy way to tell you this, so...Sam's just gonna come right out and say it. )

stargate, parody scripts

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izhilzha February 15 2007, 21:35:21 UTC
That kid from "Fragile Balance" must have watched a lot of episodes to get that good at being Jack.

Isn't he great? His name is Michael Welch, and this isn't the first time he's played a younger version of a snarky TV character--his first TV appearance was on Fraiser (as young Fraiser).

the Hak'tyl drive me up the wall.

Ditto. To the point where I tend to fastforward through episodes featuring them (unless said episode contains actual cool people like Master Bra'tac).

Speaking of which, Jonas and Daniel should really form some sort of support group for guys who inevitably attract women who a) are currently evil, b) will shortly become evil, or c) were evil in the recent past.

HEE. And you haven't even seen seasons 9 & 10 yet. (Oh, but you have actually met Vala Mal Doran once, haven't you?)

I actually like Pete

YAY! Me too. Regardless of the romantic potential of Carter/Jack, I really kind of like Carter when she's around someone who can make her be silly and non-soldiery. Pete is very sweet, to boot.

And I ADORE "Lost City." That script was going to be a feature film, did you know that? And the show kept getting renewed, and finally they said, "okay, we're just going to make it a kick-ass loooong episode instead."


kalquessa February 15 2007, 22:05:40 UTC
(Oh, but you have actually met Vala Mal Doran once, haven't you?)

OH MY GOODNESS!!! That episode had me curled up in the fetal position, I was laughing so hard. I'm giggling right now, just thinking about it. I love how Daniel spends most of the episode wearing an expression that says "How is this even happening to me?" The poor man just wanted to go look at writing on rocks, and suddenly there's this chick in a catsuit swinging off the rafters and putting him the sleeper hold. Oh! And the little horrified cough he gives when he finds himself apparently being hit on by a Kull warrior? *sporfles* Priceless. Am definitely looking forward to more Vala.

Yeah, I read that "Lost City" was supposed to be a movie. I'm glad they finally just went ahead and made it an ep, though it definitely would have been cool as a film.


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