PSA, excuses for non-presence, prayer request

Jan 12, 2007 09:02

So no movie quote this week because even if my brain weren't so dead from work craziness, it would still be too saturated with Stargate to come up with a non-SG-1 quote.

Speaking of which, I cannot remember the last time I actually read me friendslist, so if there's anything you wanted me to see, I probably missed it so consider yourself exhorted to leave a comment, as I'd hate to miss it. Sorry for being so non-present recently, it really does have as much to do with the fact that I'm insanely busy at work as it does with how I'm spending all my odd moments of free time reading either SG-1 fanfic or Diary of a Provincial Lady. (The book is delightful, Moggy, thank you for sending it! I keep chortling at it during lunch and making people eye me askance.)

Incidentally, I'm kind of late in the asking, but if anyone could spare some prayers for my family, especially my brother and his wife, I would appreciate it. They got some bad news earlier this week, and while they seem to be bearing up admirably, I'm sure some extra thoughts and prayers would not go amiss.
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