A conversation...

Dec 19, 2006 11:21

Client Guy: Hi, um, I just thought I'd mention that it's kind of warm in that conference room. Just so you know.

Me: Oh. Thanks for letting me know. (in my head: That probably has something to do with the enormous, ugly bearskin rug that you appear to be wearing as an outer garment. But then, I could be wrong.)

Client Lady: And it's actually kind of stuffy, too.

Me: I'm...sorry? (in my head: I'll see what I can do about getting an oxygen tank in there, to battle all the fumes rising from your person. God forbid you should not bathe in perfume before coming to an appointment with your lawyer.)

I think this is a good time to deploy the "damn not given" icon, don't you?

random interludes, shiny office

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