(no subject)

Dec 14, 2006 13:29

In other news, I have decided that the new update screen is, in fact, a plague being visited upon LJ for its numerous sins. Personally, I would have preferred locusts or a nice shower of burning hail.

Also less than satisfactory today is the number of calls coming in to my desk. This number has been calculated as being roughly on the order of seventeen thousand million gajillion, and most of the calls in question are being made by octogenarians with very poor hearing. Conversing with them on the telephone is excruciating for multiple reasons:

A. Speaking VEEEERRY LOOOUUDLY AND SLOOOOWLY and repeating myself over and over, each time with greater VOLUME and ee-nun-see-ay-shun is terribly, terribly trying.

B. My frustration with A is laced with guilt, due to the fact that my parents raised me to respect my elders and not to bludgeon them in my head while I speak to them.

C. Guilt from B is swiftly overridden by fury when the octogenarians inevitably begin treating me as if I were not only as deaf as they are, but also dumb as a sack of hammers.

Must remember that I will be a deaf octogenarian one day, and take deep breaths.

ETA: Okay, now someone's trying to send a fax to my voice line. I may be compelled to commit homicide.

shiny office

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