Posting entries in list form means never having to write a segue

Dec 26, 2007 23:47

  1. It continues to enrage and distress me that I won't be able to watch Patrick Stump in his small-screen debut. Whyyyy did I buy those tickets for January 2nd? WHY?
  2. So this makes me feel really guilty in that I am POSITIVE thousands of amazing fics have been posted in the last three days and I haven't read them, but I did read this: Patricksitting (Call It A Love Song) which is about underaged Patrick and Pete Wentz: responsible adult, and hits forty thousand of my kinks, and will be recced everywhere and I don't care because it's REALLY GOOD and LONG and you need to go read it.
  3. I got iPod speakers for Christmas! Hooray! Also, two nearly-identical pairs of red fuzzy pants, because my mother and my sister-in-law aren't very good at coordinating their gift-giving.
  4. I also got Christmas cards from sparktastic and mrsronweasley and oh shit, definitely other people, but I don't know where I put them. CRAP. I suck at life. If you sent me a Christmas card, I love you a LOT, even if I, uh. Can't name you at this precise moment.
  5. I can has a quettaser tomorrow and Saturday and a helleboredoll next week and a greyandgrey sometime soon and Cobras in January and Marty Dressler in LESS THAN A WEEK.
  6. I got the Jens Lekman album for Christmas, too, and I don't know how I feel about it quite yet, but here it is, if you're interested! This is the one Ryland has been reccing from here to kingdom come, so hey, worth a listen.
  7. Another thing that's worth a listen: Baby, It's Cold Outside, performed by Greta Salpeter and Thomas Dutton. WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE!? What is this new throaty sexy nonsense? Whither the sweet-voiced innocent-sounding Greta of yesteryear? How is it possible for me to want her in my pants more than I did yesterday? These are the questions that haunt me, flist.
  8. Less than a week before this unprintable year is over. Oh my Jesus, I don't think I can convey in mere words how ready I am.

meetups, bandom, rl, greta, recs, music, p$

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