three items of interest

Jul 28, 2007 15:48

  1. You know, cockslut Ryan Ross, whatevs. It's been done really, really well, and also really poorly. But what I personally think the world needs more of is cockslut everyone ELSE. I totally support cocksluts! That is a trope I enjoy greatly! I would like to hear about Brendon Urie gagging for it, please. I would like the fic where everyone gangbangs Jon Walker. Spencer Smith, desperate for dick? Sign me UP.
  2. Your daily dose of This Fandom's Fic Is So Awesome I Could Die:

    Unwanted Afflictions by madsciencechick for the bandslashmania pornathon. This features some of the gayest het sex I have ever, ever read. Also, it's hot like FIRE. Spencer/VickyT/Bill Beckett, genderfucked, ridiculously porntastically amazing. Way to set a standard for this challenge, lady!

    Starring You Instead of Me by ficbyzee. Bob and Pete bodyswap (!!!), Frank/Bob with some hints at Pete/Patrick. I don't want to spoil you, but there was this moment in the story where I was thinking "I REALLY HOPE THAT ____" and then it was TRUE. YESSSSSS. This fic kept making me want things and then giving them to me! A+++

    Tired Boys and Wired Eyes by imperfectcircle, Travis/Bill. Now, this isn't a pairing that I normally see as that adorable or OTP, and that makes me less inclined to get into it - mostly they just get written as buddies who fuck, and while that is in many ways totally great, it's not really my favorite type of story. But this fic WRAPS YOU UP in adorable and doesn't let you GO, and at the same time, it's completely believable as the dynamic between those two guys. I love it. I love it!! ELEPHANTS!!!!
  3. While I'm sure everyone who cares has already seen this, I couldn't NOT comment on the fact that this video and this podcast are the best things to ever happen in life EVER. They aren't even particularly SLASHY, they're just made out of pure fucking joy. If you are into Panic!, these will reduce you into a weak overwhelmed puddle. If you aren't into Panic!, and these don't change your mind at least a little bit, I... I don't know what to say. You're a stronger woman than I am!
And now I'm going to go pack some more kitchen supplies. Oh, moving, why so difficult?

bandom, patd, links, gch, recs

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