It's been a really confusing day for me, flist of mine. I haven't read
this Brendon/Spencer story yet, but I opened it in a tab for later, and the phrase "glory days" appears in the first paragraph, only I thought it said "glory hole." So I started thinking about Brendon and Spencer and glory holes, and then I was all distracted.
And then I was looking at body jewelry online, and I found a bellybutton ring that says
"I SWALLOW", and I started thinking about how Brendon Urie, in the alternate universe where he went away to college and came out instead of joining a rock band, totally wears that all the time! Except when he's wearing the
Tinkerbell one. (He think's he's being all ironic, like, CLAP IF YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES, but pretty much everyone knows that it's just because he loves that movie. He totally cried when he thought Tink was going to die, the first time he saw it. He was, like, seventeen.) (The swallowing thing isn't ironic at all, though. Brendon believes in truth in advertising.) And then I started thinking about the lesbian girl version of Spencer Smith wearing a
vibrating tongue stud. And then I had to go lie down.
Also, wouldn't Lesbian!Spencer/Really!Gay!Brendon be kind of hot? No, think about it! It would be slashy as HELL, in a bizarre way, and I could definitely get into it.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that today is a good day to sign up for a
flashporn challenge.