Glee, more glee, a moment of tinhatted sadness, and a Spencer picspam.

May 16, 2007 05:34

HOLY GOD. I just found all those Panic! clips from when they were "guest programmers on Rage" (that whole phrase means nothing to me, but whatever) and oh my sweet Aunt Fanny, I love them so much my face hurts. AAAAAAAHHH. Their stupid stupid inside JOKES. Flapjacks wtf! CENSORING? SPENCER SAYS MOTHERTRUCKING. JON WALKERRRRRRR. BRENDON IS A ( Read more... )

bandom, patd, links, picspam, frankie

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0nlymemories May 16 2007, 16:26:08 UTC
Spencer is just *keyboardsmash*, and I love him.

But clearly the winner of this post is FRANK AND GERARD.

They are SUCH BOYFRIENDS, omg. &heartsxone million.


kalpurna May 16 2007, 16:33:08 UTC
I KNOWWWWW. Oh my God, it is funny because that post had huge amounts of Jamia in it, and she seems cute and nice and all, AND YET:

Then the artists took their stations, and the signing began. Best part? Frank and Jamia putting on fake high-pitched fangirl voices and squealing "Yay, Gerard!" Then Gerard looks over, and instead of rolling his eyes or acting at all *man, what is my bandmate doing?*, he just locks eyes with Frankie and smiles. Just grins his head off.



0nlymemories May 16 2007, 16:41:02 UTC
Frank/Jamia and Frank/Gerard are my concomitant OTPs of 'Really, do you think any one sane human being could tolerate Frank Iero 24/7?'

Because seriously, Frank/Jamia IS my het OTP. Not even my bandslash het OTP (Chris Faller/Grete, thanks Seana!), but my HET OTP TO END ALL OTPs. They're just awesome and adorable.

And yet. Frank and Gerard? Sooooo boyfriends.

I'm pretty sure Jamia ships them pretty hard too, otherwise Frank wouldn't get away with a fraction of the shit he does, on stage. Jamia should clearly be adopted as a patron saint of Good Band Girlfriends by bandom at large.


kalpurna May 16 2007, 16:45:08 UTC
Unfortunately, I have a huuuuge monogamy kink, so Jamia just has to not exist in my little tin-shielded universe. Which is a shame! Because she seems awesome. SIGH. If I could deal with overlapping OTPs, I would be all over that.


0nlymemories May 16 2007, 16:50:11 UTC
I have a really big responsible polyamory kink. This is what happens when you read The Ethical Slut, like, way early in your psychological development. Because it's all about TRUST and knowing your partner (Frank would never hurt you! I mean, not even when he jumps on you, because face it, boy is tiny) and trusting his OTHER partner (who's kind of a freak, but, hey, better him than you. And now he's clean, thank God, and you don't have to yell at Frank about the condoms and menace him with the name of That Guy Who Needs To Bathe Really, Really Bad. I mean, you weren't even DATING Gerard, and the inability to say his name still wore off on you.) not to do anything stupid (always worrisome, with Gerard) and. And.


Yeah, I definitely have a kink. And I just need to suck it up and write the fic, because. Nnnngh. I love it soso much.


kalpurna May 16 2007, 16:55:38 UTC
Dude, I totally respect that, but it is a big squick for me, unfortunately! I get where you're coming from, but it Just Is Not My Thing. BUT, I still think you should totally write that fic, because I know lots of people who WOULD be into it, and hey, write what you love, that's what I say. I just, I will have to give it a pass, personally. You have no idea how often I curse my squicks: do you know how many authors I love write incest fic? MANY. Sigh, my life is hard.


0nlymemories May 16 2007, 17:07:34 UTC
Great apologies if I squicked you. I seem to have a knack for it. :\

And yeah. *nods* I understand these squick things, intellectually. Mine are kind of hazy, and probably influenced by my original fandoms, back at the dawn of time (Gundam Wing authors used to go through these phases where they would try to write the squickiest things they could, and then not actually inform people that they were in the middle of a squick-war. Oh, GWing fic. You shaped me so.) into a distressingly short list (the Big Four, Real Necrophilia, Animals, Children (!!!) and Excrement (AUGH)). Which is helpful, when reading fic, but makes it v.v. stressful indeed when you accidentally stumble onto something that violates one of them. Because OMG NO ( ... )


kalpurna May 16 2007, 17:15:23 UTC
Dude, no, talking about it is fine! I just, reading it would be a problem.

Ahahahaha, REAL NECROPHILIA, I love that. Sounds like a trial by fire. Ironically, children is pretty much NOT a squick for me in fic (BUT IT IS IN REAL LIFE, OBVS) and I actively seek out post-pubescent underage stuff. Which in real life, I would find far, far squickier than polyamory. So. Uhm. There's that!

My point is, diff'rent strokes, and all that, blah blah. It would be lovely if we all shared the same kinks and squicks, wouldn't it? And if I could command my favorite authors to write in my favorite fandoms? *lost in a dream world of joy*


0nlymemories May 16 2007, 17:25:35 UTC
Well, I write vampires. So, you know. It must be said.

And when I say CHILDREN, I totally mean pubescent and before. Because once they're 16? Sorry, I totally was a teenager less than a year ago. Those kids ooze hormones like nobody's business, OMG. If I had to deal with it then, I feel very little guilt about making it a little more palatable and thinking about Ryan Ross's ridiculous lust for Pete Wentz.

It would be lovely, but sort of boring. Because I'm pretty sure my kink list would get overridden by the fandom at large's kink list, which is quite a bit different. And doesn't involve one-human, one-vampire Waycestuous shaving-with-straight-razors in bathtubs while being filmed. More's the pity. *puts her Freak hat back on*


kalpurna May 16 2007, 19:51:03 UTC
heeeee, dude, those are like TWELVE of my squicks, but that is cool! I support you! Wear that hat with PRIDE. \o/


0nlymemories May 16 2007, 19:59:08 UTC
I also am a firm believer in warnings on fic. That's a kink EVERYONE should have. Accurate warnings on fic!

(I love my Freak hat. It compliments my Iero hair. *points at icon*)


kalpurna May 16 2007, 20:20:37 UTC
I agree! \o/


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