Glee, more glee, a moment of tinhatted sadness, and a Spencer picspam.

May 16, 2007 05:34

HOLY GOD. I just found all those Panic! clips from when they were "guest programmers on Rage" (that whole phrase means nothing to me, but whatever) and oh my sweet Aunt Fanny, I love them so much my face hurts. AAAAAAAHHH. Their stupid stupid inside JOKES. Flapjacks wtf! CENSORING? SPENCER SAYS MOTHERTRUCKING. JON WALKERRRRRRR. BRENDON IS A DORKASS LOSER. RYRO IS RYRO.

Also, I am stupendously attracted to Spencer Smith. I sometimes think about the fact that I used to not find him hot and then I laaaaaugh and laaaaaaaaugh and then I go search for more pictures of him to drool over. Every stage shot of Panic I see just leaves me thinking, "Jesus Christ, that kid on the drums."

Actually, a lot of things are making me seriously gleeful right now. Like, for example, this post about Frank WAITING IN LINE for Gerard's signing at ComicCon. I bet anyone who's been in the fandom longer than a month has seen that, but I hadn't, and I just, oh, BOYS. BOYYYYS. SO MANY HEARTS I CANNOT COUNT THEM. And then I rewatched the Rolling Stone interview where Pete says he "blogs pretty hard." <33333

But on the other hand, you know what makes me kind of sad? The fact that in my own personal RPS canon, the stuff I actually pretty much think is really true to the extent that I believe any of it, Brendon Urie is gay, still trying to figure out his sexuality, and he has (or at least, had) a huge embarrassing crush on Ryan, who is, against all odds, straight. That makes me want to cry! Tell me about lots of different boys fucking Brendon so I will feel better, please.

The following picspam of Spencer Smith is in no way designed to influence your thoughts about healing Brendon's gay gay pain. HA HA WATCH ME LIE.




Date me, Spencer Smith, I am not joking.


Brendon, whaaat. What IS that. Ryan and Brent are trying to pretend like if they stare at the camera maybe he will stop.

Look at that little freakshow happening in the middle of this picture. Don't you just want to squish them together? SPENCER'S BITCHFACE.

I'm sorry, you guys, I'm sorry, just a couple more.

I can't help it.

It's like a sickness. All I want is Brendon/Spencer right now. I want them to be pissy and annoyed and snuggle and laugh their asses off.

Just kidding, Jon Walker, you can play too, because you're great. Nooo I'm kind of lying. I'll still read JWalk/Spencer fic, but only when Brendon is also happily dating a nice boy. Otherwise I want to cry for him and his sad thwarted gayitude. SORRY JON, ILU, GO MAKE OUT WITH GRETA.

Ahahaha Spencer is dirty.

I don't ship these two precious children, either. Sorry! BFF OTP. It literally squicks me to read Ryan/Spencer fic, because they have been best friends since they were five, and ugh, no. *blows very platonic kisses to inminiature*

I will read all the fic in the world about them having hilarious best friend shenanigans, though! Like that one where they build a BOMB and almost blow up a fusebox and their next door neighbor the stripper comes out to see what's going on. OH WAIT, THAT'S NOT A FIC, THAT HAPPENED.

Spencer wants to know when this picspam stopped being all about him, and started being about him having sex with his friends.

Sorry about that, Spence.



He is adorable.

He has the best smile ever.

He reads your LiveJournal. (Hahahaha please no.)

He plays the drums.

Which is pretty hot.

Sometimes, he is the prettiest lesbian gang member ever.



Spencer doesn't know what just happened there, either, but he'd like to serve you some waffles. On the BEACH. Oh my God, let's add this to the list of things I really wish would happen to me in the real lifes:

1. Get stuck in an elevator with Gerard
2. Eat waffles on the beach with Spencer
3. Marry Greta

You can't touch this, y'all.

Nothing about this picture is not amazing. His bored little face. The Sidekick. His EYES. His hands. The stupid ruffle on his shoulder. aldkjfalkjfljk

I swear to God, that picspam was an accident. I was looking for ONE PICTURE to illustrate my adoration, and then. This happened. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME, YOU TINY DRUMMING HOTASS? GIVE ME BACK MY SOUL. Just kidding, you can keep it. <3

bandom, patd, links, picspam, frankie

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