TEAM NAKED PIX, no, for reals

May 15, 2007 04:05

Here are four things, and an unpopular fannish opinion. Also I am really behind on emails, sry, don't hate me. I'm behind on schoolwork too, if that helps, ahahaha sob. And I'm all sick and gross and sniffly, and I wore a cute dress today and got rained on. Let's talk about band boys!

1. I don't think I ever mentioned this here, but it continues to crack my shit up: I went to class the afternoon I posted my Gerard Way Love Manifesto, and found that greyandgrey had copied Gerard and written "Hi!" on her hand like the tremendous, wonderful dork she is. Amaaazing.

1b. I also don't think I've ever mentioned here that I am currently taking a class on Sexuality in the Classical World with both inminiature and greyandgrey. Yesterday's class was all about pornography. YES. Yes, imagine that, please.

2. Am I seriously the only person on LJ who lists JWalk/Greta as an interest? That shit is not on.

3. I'm sure someone's proposed this before, but Spencer and Patrick totally go shoe shopping together, right? I mean, obviously.

4. I had a revelation about me and my OTPs yesterday! It turns out that my real, die-hard OTPs are almost always pairings who are both charmed and annoyed by each other. Fraser/Kowalski! McKay/Sheppard! Pete/Patrick! I can also read and enjoy pairings who just basically like each other a lot, but when I can get it, irritation is my favorite dynamic. And then they have angry sex!! You guys, here's where I'm going with this: I love Brendon/Spencer kind of a lot.

And a possibly unpopular fannish opinion.

So hey, you know what I think is kind of hilarious? The way that there are pictures of Pete Wentz's dick on the internet (that sentence could end there, but wait for it) and YET, bandom seems to have some kind of stick up its collective ass about reposting them or talking about them positively in any way. Everyone is all, oh, you can Google them, I have the moral high ground here, blah blah, poor Pete.

I'm going to come out and say it, y'all. I am going to take one for the team.


Now, don't get me wrong, I totally feel for Pete Wentz's emo manpain, and I think it sucks that they were leaked, and I definitely believe they were leaked, and it was not on purpose, and it sucked. Poor Pete! I feel bad that he went through that! But y'all, don't toss the baby out with the bathwater. The baby in this analogy: is CANONICAL COCK SHOTS.

At first, for the longest time, I didn't save those pictures to my computer, because I picked up on the whole self-consciousness thing we've got going on. But y'all, this is what occurred to me the eighth time I Googled the phrase "Pete Wentz's penis": WHAT IF THOSE PICTURES WENT AWAY?? What if everyone suddenly grew shame and took them down? I would CRY. I WOULD SHIT A BRICK, AND THEN CRY.

So, I saved them. \o/

Pete Wentz took pictures of his wang, and then they found their way to the internet, and I'm sure we all wish, for his sake, that the whole thing hadn't happened. And yet, it is nonetheless true that the pictures themselves are totally fucking awesome. He took them in his parents' bathroom! MORRISSEY is in the background!! There's the slow, gradual reveal, which is just fantastic. And then, there is the money shot. Pete Wentz's cock, in living color. He is clutching it like it is his best buddy('s). It is a perfectly lovely specimen of the species. OH, PETE. OH, PETE'S COCK. OH, PICTURES OF PETE'S COCK. ILU ALL.

I would repost the pictures here as a bold statement of protest, but, uh, I use Photobucket for image hosting and they might take them down. So instead I will just post the first one, and I will let your imaginations fill in the rest, because I know for a fact that each and every one of you sick motherfuckers has seen the things, possibly within an hour of entering the fandom. It's time for us to come out of the WentzWang Closet, Bandom! EMBRACE THE COCKSHOTS. This is my cry!

NOTE: To all y'all who posted primers that said "Google the Wentz Schlong, do not look for it here," I mean absolutely no offense: you guys totally took the classy route, I am just being ridiculous. I'm sorry. I love cock. ♥

bandom, rl, meta, plkw3

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