Just in time

May 24, 2008 12:55

So after spending a week away from home I get to hop in the car and spend another week away from home... not that I am complaining home hasn't been the most friendly of places for me lately. I love being home but not without my husband who has a calming effect on me. He is taking me and my buddha baby to the beach! I am so happy because I have really been needing some time as a family and a break from life in general.

My life has been a whirlwind of things from the pain of grieving to the sheer joy and happiness I feel about my pregnancy and my dear son who is turning into the sweetest child ever. He's been talking up a storm and one of his favorite words besides "daddy" which of course would be his favorite is "thank you." I love that this child gets handed something and immediately he looks up and tells you "Thank you" no prompting or prodding just happy you noticed him in his zen state of existence.

This pregnancy finally has balanced out, but I really don't want to speak too soon...Everything was fine at my doctor's appointment yesterday, I gained a couple of pounds and she is doing great, has a really strong heartbeat. I went by myself not out of lack of trying to have at least someone there with me to watch my active toddler, but he did great with just me and him.. he really is an awesome little boy.

Things in life are so random...when goodness and joy fall in your lap lay down and soak it up... we are only here a short time.. why surround yourself with people/places/things that don't make you happy.
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