Overdue Update

Sep 05, 2022 14:25

For spn_summergen this year, my gifter wrote me TWO fics based on two of my prompts!! One for the challenge itself and another as a bonus chaster after. What a generous and creative spirit! Please go tell them what a gem they are:

There Is a Light (That Never Goes Out) by hootiepgh
A s10 AU. Inspired by the lighthouse in this year’s banner art. In this abandoned lighthouse, one day there is an ethereal flash, almost like the lighthouse has come back to life. It turns out someone has been sacrificing angels there. But who and why?

Who 'Ya Gonna Call? by hootiepgh
Back in s2, Ellen tried to warn Sam and Dean away from Gordon Walker. He was bad news. Who offers similar warnings *about* the Winchesters? (And are they human? Monster? Angel? Demon? ghost?)

I also wrote one, for Misha_McCarthy:

What Doesn't Kill You
S15. Yeah, Dean looked through the telescope. It’s not like he knew the universes were going to hitch a ride.

Sam puts two and two together after Dean becomes a tessellation of squirrels mid-conversation.

Outside of Summergen, life has been EXTREMELY eventful and chock-full of weddings and funerals and graduations and all in between. I took a new job, moved to a new state, am currently still in the process of doing both of those things probably. I perpetually feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and out of time, so nothing's new there!

- I rewatched/finished The Expanse, which is the BEST. THE BEST.

- Also watched Season 2 for Reservation Dogs, which is also the best.

- And have seen the Haikyuu Stage Plays 2+ times through, which are the best.

- I'm still maintaining my Bleach Tumblr. Tumblr still sucks as a platform but Bleach is The Best, as is Blorbotime, especially fanfic time.

- Went to a good many NASCAR &c races this summer. <3

- "Carry On Wayward Son" played on the way to school my last day of teaching at my previous institution. It also played as I drove to my new state of residence. <33333

I still value LJ as a place, and blogging space, but I'm trying to figure out how to "build it into my practice" as it were. I feel like there are too many platforms and too many Things. I've been doing most of my journaling weekly, longhand, in my weekly planner. So what do I put here? I'm not sure yet.

strange tales from the lakefront, timetimetime, fandom: spn, fic: spn

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