[Rec] i'm your house (American Gods)

Jan 02, 2016 10:19

I haven't read American Gods in about a decade, but I couldn't resist the chiasmus in this fic's summary. <3

Title: i'm your house
Autho: tekuates
Fandom: American Gods
Rating: R
Pairing(s): none
Summary: Shadow dreams of the bone orchard, and the bone orchard dreams of Shadow.
Word Count: 1005

This is the kind of fic that reminds me I actually like words. The language and sentiment and poetic thoughtfulness of this is nothing short of brilliant. My favorite passage from anything I've read in quite some time, hands down: Sometimes it would hear from a god, or two. They would always say the same thing: This is not the way things are meant to be.

Look, said the orchard, the words whispering through the leaves that were not leaves. Look how fine this is. Look at my great branches, and the little seedlings below. And a slender limb reached up to let the light caress it. I am the way I mean to be.

fandom: misc., fandom recs

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