And here's a little doo-dad about Electra.
A picture of the duo Raaviper is copyright Rain.
Electra's design is copyright Kierra though her personality/playing is by me.
It was hard to forget the day that her eyes had first opened up to the world, one that had seemed bright at first to the previously blind whelp, though having first seen the den that was her world, she hadn’t yet had any experience as to what bright really was. She just remembered it being bright, and when her still milky eyes finally focused, she remembered the great black being that was her mother. How beautiful the life-giver was, how graceful and majestic… how intimidating. Nothing could make the whelp forget her first look at the towering goddess, nothing could wipe that impression from her mind. She worshiped that being that had brought her into the world, and until that point she’d been unaware of what exactly she was worshiping. Sight-it was powerful, and it was by far the most powerful impression that her mother could leave on her. Before her eyes had opened, she had felt the rough touch of Raaviper’s tongue, tasted the milk that gushed from her teats, heard the rumble of her comforting purr, reminiscent of peals of thunder… and she’d drank in the scent of the female. Nothing, not one of those could compare to the first sight. Nothing.
Electra remembered the mass of ebony, she remembered even more keenly the face of her mother-- it was marred by stripes, and her fierce eyes… bright yellow as the cub would later find the sun to be, yet no glory that the sun had held a candle to what the appreciative cub saw in her mother’s eyes. Odd as it might sound, the young whelp saw all the power, love, and salvation in the world in her mother’s eyes, and nothing would ever change her first impressions. Nothing would ever change how she felt. Electra embraced every aspect of her maternal figure, even the oddest mannerisms.
Something that became fastened in the impressionable cub’s mind was her mother’s amputated limb, something that did not obsess her quite so much as it simply entered her youthful mind as what was godly, what was to be strived for. It was of no shock to her, and instead of viewing it as a mistake, a wound, something wrong with her mother, she instead saw herself and her siblings as the mistakes. Why, why were they not like their mother?
Once this seed had been implanted in the young cub soon after her eyes first opening, it would not be dispelled, something that would later cause much concern as the young female obsessed over perfection-perfection that was in fact an oddity in society, and not true wellness. Electra could never forget those first impressions. Not even when she was much older, and had long since left the den. Many months down the road, long since weaning, Electra could be found loping along, sometimes on her own, sometimes among siblings, sometimes-and these were her favorite-in the shadow of her mother. Loping, that is to say, not walking. The young female had taken up this trait as soon as she’d learned to use her leg muscles and coordinate movement-stepping upon all four paws had always felt wrong and sinful to her. She had to be perfect… just like Raaviper.
She did not use all of her legs. They were all still intact, but one foreleg was always kept bunched uselessly against her ribcage, an odd sight for any spectator. Electra always hobbled around in this manner, and thus had become quite adept at keeping up with her siblings, and even managing a good pace alongside her mother. Oftentimes she would be chastised for her ‘foolish actions’, and told to put her paw down and use the legs she’d been granted, but the young cub would always steadfastly refuse, unable to accept that she even had a limb there. Curiously enough, she seemed to suffer from what many would call ‘phantom limb’, a disorder that those that have lost an appendage sometimes get, where they believe that their lost limb is still present… except her disorder was skewed and opposite of the clinical norm. She truly had come to believe that her limb was missing just as her mother’s was, and was happy believing this.
Many had tried to change her point of view on the matter, but it simply had no effect on her. Her siblings teased and challenged her, and even elder sabres attempted to force her to obey what she should naturally wish to do-use all of her limbs. Electra would have none of this, and once an individual had pushed her far enough, she would become violently upset that anyone would continue to insist that she HAD a leg to use. She unleashed her stressed snarls, nothing more than weak growls to her opponents, but in time she would grow to have great strength as her mother did. Tears would no longer cloud her emerald eyes when she was challenged… no. Nonbelievers would be taught to believe, and if they continued to question her, they would at least learn to respect that she HAD no fourth leg.
That would be the order of things. Her mother was strong-she was so strong, and Electra loved her dearly, and had little interest in any others when her mother was around. She yearned to be as powerful as a being as her mother, as godly as she-and one day she would be. And she would do it all using only three legs.