I will be honest with you. It's been a long time since I did much online that wasn't WoW related. I mean, I drifted out of furry years ago, and with it the endless stream of memes and wiki links. But, I mean. I still skim YouTube sometimes. And the whole MySpace and Facebook thing, it's not that I've not heard of it, it's more a moral protest that I'm not on them. And hey, I have a livejournal. Young, cool people still have livejournals, right? And I know what a lolcat is! And... other hip things.
It wasn't until
WarlockUK posted a video about the deathpenty being ruled
completely badass that I caught myself thinking "Hey, when did the Onion start doing videos?" and came to the inevitable realisation.
I am no longer cool on the internet.