Grandma's are cute!

May 15, 2008 22:20

Today was such a great day. It was my grandmother’s 66th birthday, which is one of the reasons why I’m visiting home this week. Anyways, I drove over there at 11 and helped with all the preparations and stuff. Guests arrived around 3, mostly family and neighbours. I was by far the youngest one there (by several decades).

At six, even before dinner started, I said that I was gonna go now, since I was meeting some friends in the evening. The thing is, I was lying BIG time. I actually have spent half the day lying to my grandmother and everyone else.

I didn’t go meet friends, I drove 15 minutes to the next train station, where I picked up my sister. She lives about 2 hours away, doesn’t have a car (or a driver’s licence for that matter) and of course she’s working. So my grandmother never expected her to show up today. In fact, Sissy called from the train, said she was just on her way back from work and my grandmother should eat a piece of cake in her honor. :) Grandma had NO idea.

I picked up Sissy and Sissy’s boyfriend, put some bows and ribbons on their heads and then we drove back to my Grandma’s. They were just finishing up dinner when we arrived and Grandma was in the kitchen. So I got her, telling her that I forgot something very important. Then she saw my sister.

You should have seen her face. She actually started crying. My grandfather was happy as well. I’m still shaking when I think about it. It was so cute.

And I can’t believe that nobody suspected because I’m an awful liar. I was grinning the whole day, had to say stuff like ‘oh I didn’t buy a card for my grandmother, since the flowers I bought weren’t wrapped anyways’ and everybody bought it. As if I would show up at my Grandmother’s birthday without a card (Sissy had the card, of course) or leave before dinner (I see my grandparents about four times a year, I’d never do that).

My sister stayed less than two hours, then I had to drive her and her boyfriend back to the train station, so they could take the last train home. They spend twice as much time on the train then they were actually here, but it was so worth it.

You should have seen my grandmother. I’m close to tears only thinking about it (most females of that side of the family tend to cry a lot when they are happy, we’re crazy like that).

Anyway, there’s not much new on the fic front. I’m still waiting to be home to write chapter 16 for MM. I managed to turn in my
dramione_ldws entry on time and now I’m looking forward to see the other works. I’m fully expecting to be eliminated first round, but I’m still hoping to get some constructive criticism on my piece. I’ve got almost no experience writing drabbles and after about two line I realised that writing drabbles is completely different from writing multi-chaptered stories. But it was an interesting experience. Even if I get my butt kicked out in the first round it will have been worth it.

Also, turned in all the icons for this week. I’m participating regularly at
triwizard_cup and
dmhg_icontest and it’s starting to get a bit much. I probably should cut back a little, especially as I’m dreadfully behind on my two exchange fics. It’s still a month left, but I should have finished first drafts ages ago… I’ll definitely try to work on that tomorrow.

writing, lj: random stuff / rl

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