State of me

Oct 20, 2008 19:19

So, October, what happened to the month? It's like, almost Halloween. Anyway, list format, because it's Monday and lists require less effort.

--Soon to be ex (STBE) is returning tomorrow. I will be picking him up, and just had irritating phone discussion about why the kids will not be missing the whole day of school just so he can see them 4 hours earlier. Patience, he does not have it.

--Things going well at work, much positive feedback from higher-ups and looks good for me to be on the track to supervisor.

--Date from a couple weeks back was awesome, and have been out with cute boy from work a few more times since then, sometimes alone and sometimes with a group. Confusing mixed signals persist. He flirts, he makes suggestive comments on occasion, but he never takes it any further. Because we work together? Because I'm not yet technically divorced? Because he's not the assertive type? Buh.

--Got signed decree in the mail, promptly took to lawyer, will be in court this week to finalize. Am actually glad. Yay getting it over with!

--Kidlets have discovered lolcats and browse them with glee. Older kidlet (turned eight this week, OMG) disturbingly good at reading lolcat.

--Am vaguely nervous about STBE's return, without good reason. Bah. *sporks random groundless anxiety*

Wish me luck. ♥

personal, kids, big d, work

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